792 vues


Marc-Romaric Puton

A2 Consulting

75015 Paris, France

Français Anglais

Accepte de rencontrer

Lycéens, Étudiants, Professionnels (Personnes en poste, à la recherche d’un emploi, à la retraite, en reconversion ou dans une autre situation)

Marc-Romaric Puton

Chez A2 Consulting

Français Anglais

75015 Paris, France


rendez-vous restants ce mois-ci

2 rendez-vous restants ce mois-ci

Taux de réponse : 100%

Temps de réponse : < 24h

Taux de réponse


Temps de réponse

< 24h

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Présentation de Marc-Romaric


Ci-joint mon parcours :

A2 Consulting
A2 Consulting est un cabinet de conseil en organisation et management multi-spécialiste et totalement indépendant créé en 2000.
A2 Consulting s'engage auprès des entreprises pour accroître leur performance opérationnelle et accompagner la transformation de leurs organisations, dans le respect des valeurs sociales et environnementales.

Framing study and identification of the appropriate tools in a venture capital subsidiary of a major French bank, benchmarking of the internal tools of the subsdiriay, preparation of workshops & logistics, reporting of worshops & meetings

Hit Your Mark
Managerial control, financial and administrative control, organisation of general meetings, implementation of contracts
Community management, prospecting of clients and of subcontractors

- Enhancing the model of the existing transfer pricing documentation
- Produce transfer pricing documentation for companies which do not yet have them
- Controls of the documentation updates in subsidiaries
- Assisting subsidiaries in case of a price transfer tax audit
- Analysis of the relevance of flows and modification if necessary
- Implementation of contracts corresponding to those flows

Creation and application of a survey on the annual training of employees
Study on the influence of social networks on the image of the Group
Community management for the Group

Crédit Foncier
Supporting corporate lawyers in charge of the litigation of unpaid morgages
Administrative follow-up of the files

Voyage Humanitaire Tchad
Fund raising to finance the mission
Teaching core subjects to middle school classes
Infrastructure improvements on the school and on the local hospital of Benoye