853 vues


Mariana Sandoval

Strategic Business Manager
Gallery All

Milano MI, Italia


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Étudiants, Professionnels (Personnes en poste, à la recherche d’un emploi, à la retraite, en reconversion ou dans une autre situation)

Mariana Sandoval

Strategic Business Manager
Chez Gallery All


Milano MI, Italia


rendez-vous restants ce mois-ci

2 rendez-vous restants ce mois-ci

Taux de réponse : 52%

Temps de réponse : < 24h

Taux de réponse


Temps de réponse

< 24h

Contacter Mariana Sandoval

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Présentation de Mariana

Hola! Nice to meet you,

Coming from a creative industry, I began my professional path as an Interior Architect designing high-end residential interiors.

After some years, I decided to study a Master in Luxury Management that changed my life.

I've been working in Sales, Marketing and Business Development, finally mixing all creative and business profiles by becoming an Strategic Business Manager representing an exclusive Design Gallery in Europe and managing all business relationships for a design distribution company, connecting design brands in Europe and Asia.

My work is essentially directed towards matching business opportunities worldwide in order to create strategic connections that will lead to the creation of value in a multicultural exchange. I've worked in companies like Armani, Gufram, Galleria Rossana Orlandi and L'invisibile.

Feel free to contact me if you want to know more.

Gallery link: https://galleryall.com
Distribution company link: https://www.gdd.shop
