257 vues
Gregory Bataille
Light Frame Ltd
Lausanne, Switzerland
Français Anglais
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Gregory Bataille
Chez Light Frame Ltd
Français Anglais
Lausanne, Switzerland
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Contacter Gregory Bataille
Présentation de Gregory
After spending 7 years in a very large company and learning many things from IT to project management, people management and office politics (sic) I moved to do some consulting on IT organizations and large IT Systems architecture.
Strong from this experience, I moved in 2016 to a growing startup that is now exploding and have been responsible to build their SaaS product and construct a team around it.
In 2020, I moved to yet another startup to try and repeat some of this success. At RetinAI, I have been responsible to bring their technology to a cloud hosted product.
In 2021, I changed to SwissDeCode. I was the only IT person. I built a cloud for the company and then switched on to help the mechanical engineer built a robot. I discovered a new world for me of electronics, arduino, electronic communication, interferences, ...
In 2022, I joined Taurus, a fast growing startup. Here I went back a bit to what I know more which is cloud native architecture and team building. I have taken the lead of one of the 2 product teams and will have to work through the challenge of a fast growth, fast paced, enterprise facing enviroment.
I am passionate about making good software systems in a way that brings value to the company.
I am convinced by "modern" Silicon Valley driven way of organizing tech companies that is in complete opposition to standard large corporation. I can talk for hours about Agile, Lean, Holacracy, making people responsible, ... but also about functional programming (Haskell, why not?), a good production architecture, ...
I am also participating in some open source projects.
And finally I organize meetups in my location and have given conference on many subjects in many different venues.
Feel free to contact me if you want to know more about my job
Conseils pour exercer ce métier
Formation de Gregory
2007 -
Master in Computer Science
Formation conseillée
Sans formation particulière