1026 vues
Cristina Esnaola Martínez
Creative & Communication Project Manager
Madrid, España
Anglais Espagnol
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Collégiens, Lycéens, Étudiants, Professionnels (Personnes en poste, à la recherche d’un emploi, à la retraite, en reconversion ou dans une autre situation)
Cristina Esnaola Martínez
Creative & Communication Project Manager
Chez Wonest
Anglais Espagnol
Madrid, España
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Taux de réponse : 92%
Temps de réponse :
< 24h
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Temps de réponse
< 24h
Contacter Cristina Esnaola Martínez
Présentation de Cristina
Hello everyone!
If you are reading this is maybe because you are about to enter the professional world and you have all kind of trouble on your mind. It's ok, it's normal and ¡it has a cure!
I am Cristina Esnaola and I am currently living in Cantabria, north of Spain. I live in a little cottage near the sea. I live surrounded by nature and peace, which I really love, sincerely.
I have studied Marketing and Business Management in Madrid and I have become a Creative & Comm. PM after 7 years of experience. I am currently working for a Spanish company that runs all over the globe providing services that improves people's lives. I am leading different projects with a wonderful group of people; We work hand to hand with our clients measuring their satisfaction and tasting their needs to design our products. It is fascinating!
If you are a bit lost or just want an opinion, do not hesitate to contact me.
See you soon!
Conseils pour exercer ce métier
Formation de Cristina
2019 -
Yoga Teacher
Escuela Internacional YOGA -
2017 -
Arts & Illustration
2012 -
NEOMA Business School -
2012 -
Gestión Comercial y Marketing
Formation conseillée
Formation Spécialisée