325 vues
David Voillot
Business Manager France & south Europe
Kyodo Yushi France SaS
69570 Dardilly, France
Français Anglais
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David Voillot
Business Manager France & south Europe
Chez Kyodo Yushi France SaS
Français Anglais
69570 Dardilly, France
rendez-vous restants ce mois-ci
2 rendez-vous restants ce mois-ci
Taux de réponse : 57%
Temps de réponse :
< 24h
Taux de réponse
Temps de réponse
< 24h
Contacter David Voillot
Présentation de David
Kyodo Yushi - The Essence of Tribology
Kyodo Yushi is a manufacturer of high quality lubricants, especially grease for automotive industry,
metal cutting and machine oil.
Our products, evolve from our extensive research and development, are produced using the latest production equipment under strict quality control. We market a wide range of products used in areas such as steel industry, automotive and industrial machinery, to familiar household items.
Utilizing our expertize accumulated over more than 70 years, we put our efforts into research and development of various lubricants, and we will continue to support the present and future of the world industry, aiming to be a leading global company.
Feel free to contact me if you want to know more about my job
Conseils pour exercer ce métier
Formation de David
2016 -
Diriger une Activité
2003 -
Master diagnostic d’entreprise
IAE lyon 3 -
2002 -
Management PMS
1998 -
IUT Lyon 1
Formation conseillée
Bac > +5
Bac +5