164 vues
Lucie Noé
Distribution Manager
Meyrin, Switzerland
Anglais Français
Accepte de rencontrer
Collégiens, Lycéens, Étudiants, Professionnels (Personnes en poste, à la recherche d’un emploi, à la retraite, en reconversion ou dans une autre situation)
Lucie Noé
Distribution Manager
Chez DuPont
Anglais Français
Meyrin, Switzerland
rendez-vous restants ce mois-ci
3 rendez-vous restants ce mois-ci
Taux de réponse : 100%
Temps de réponse :
< 24h
Taux de réponse
Temps de réponse
< 24h
Contacter Lucie Noé
Présentation de Lucie
I'm Lucie, Application Development and Sales representative for Industrial applications for a Premier Multi-Industries company. I'm French and living in France but working in Switzerland for an American company.
I'm dealing daily with my customers and prospects to help them solving their issues and understanding their needs.
I have a background as Chemist, specialized in polymer sciences. I spent ~15 years a R&D and technical support, in public and private structures more or less far away from my hometown in Calais, France. I had opportunity to move to business side as commercial. I'm really enthusiastic about this challenging position where I can use my technical competencies as well as my interpersonal skills.
I'm always passionate to talk about my job and my career and I would have loved to have this type of opportunity to discuss with professionals when I was young. I would be glad to share my experience, give some advices, what I would have done differently... Do not hesitate to come to me.
Conseils pour exercer ce métier
Formation de Lucie
2008 -
Chemistry engineer - specialization polymers
ECPM Strasbourg
Formation conseillée
Bac +5