55 vues
Fabien Poujol
Integration Engineer Consultant
Société pour l'Informatique Industrielle (SII)
Toulouse, France
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Fabien Poujol
Integration Engineer Consultant
Chez Société pour l'Informatique Industrielle (SII)
Toulouse, France
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Contacter Fabien Poujol
Présentation de Fabien
Hi, I am a simulation product engineer. In charge of maintaining aircraft simulation products : adaptation for the latest frameworks, adapting applications for benches, and acting as debugging support for bench applications.
As a consultant my missions can be various depending on the needs of the client. Up until now I have been challenged with updating simulation products to the latest frameworks and validating them on virtual platforms. Another mission of mine is to adapt those simulation products for benches in which some equipments are real. For that matter I have had to understand the overall aircraft architectures and their specificities along with communication protocols.
Previous to this experience, I have studied electronics and electrical engineering with a specialty in renewable energies and power engineering. These studies mainly helped me acquire the reflective tools that I needed to assume my position today.
Feel free to contact me if you want to know more about my job,
Conseils pour exercer ce métier
Formation de Fabien
2023 -
Diplôme d'ingénieur
Formation conseillée
Bac > +5